Saturday, May 21, 2016

Author of the November Snow Series (highlight blanked out text)

A.M Manay

I'm a former inner-city chemistry teacher, a singer, a yoga enthusiast, a liberal Presbyterian who grew up Roman Catholic, and a mother through domestic open adoption.  I am a Lupus patient, and I am the only white person living in my house.  All of these things inform my work.  For example, I like to create diverse casts of characters.  I think it's important that people who look like my son and my students see people like them in popular culture.  A lot of the imagery in She Dies at the End is influenced by my Catholic upbringing.

Creatures are fun!  It's fun to imagine powerful creatures with rules of their own, secretly walking among us.  I enjoy escapism, but I want it to respect my intelligence.  I wanted to do vampires cleverly, and in a modern, more realistic way, a way that communicates my own ethics and aesthetic." A.M Manay." -Author

"For me, a book really is all abut the characters.  November started with the idea of a carnival fortune teller who was legitimately psychic and who knew that she would die young. Everything else grew from there. I wanted to create a girl who is attracted to the vampire but is smart enough to see the real danger. I also wanted to create someone strong enough to not accept controlling mistreatment, sort of the opposite of a certain other vampire novel protagonist." A.M Manay." -Author  -  Facebook group  - Twitter: @ammanay  

November Snow has seen her own burial a thousand times. It is the only thing she knows about her future. 

    In a war amongst vampires and fairies, a small advantage can mean the difference between victory and defeat. And a psychic who can peer across the globe, unspool the past, and probe the future is more than a small advantage. Everyone wants to use her for his own ends: the ancient king, the black sheep, the dutiful son, the lost boy. 

    But November Snow wants things, too, before death comes for her. She wants purpose. She wants friendship. She wants love. She wants happiness. She wants respect. And she will not settle for less. 

  Pulled into the midst of a royal family feud centuries in the making, she must forge her own path through violence, betrayal, first loves, and mortal peril as she struggles to come to terms with her gift and her destiny, even as she knows this for certain: 

She dies at the end. 


This was an exciting and thought-provoking read. Well-written, superbly paced, and full of interesting characters. A great piece of writing and a great story. I'm looking forward to the next November Snow book! Heartily recommended.- Kindle customer review - For the complete review and more, click here.

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